Create and Describe Your Own Creature
(Nogard - taniwha)
WALT: be descriptive in our writing.
Look at the description of a Nogard. Now Create and describe your own creature that you will then be able to read to a buddy so that they can draw it. Your description must be as detailed and clear as possible so that when you share it with others they will be able to visualise and draw you creature. Use lots of adjectives (describing words - big, small, round, green).
You must .....
- Have a name for your creature
- Start from the big things and work your way to the smaller things
- Describe the shapes
- Describe its neck, body, tail, wings etc.
- What does its head look like?Think about its eyes, nose, eyebrows, mouth, teeth
- Describe its legs/flippers/fins etc.
- What colours is it?
- Any extra details on the body like scales, spikes etc.
- Keep it simple and clear!
- Use correct punctuation and spelling.
- Check that your sentences make sense.
Remember that a good writer ‘paints’ pictures in their reader’s head with words. This is what good descriptive writing does.
Create your piece of writing here
My taniwha is called Slither.
His head is the shape of a half of an oval that is on the side.. He has 3 kākāriki eyes and kākāriki teeth on the top of his mouth. He has four legs. His legs have 2 claws on each foot. His front leg is pango and the rest of his legs are whero. He has kōwhai spikes on its back. He has blue wings behind his spikes. Slither has a blue tail which is mostly up and a kōwhai lightning bolt on it. He has a whero and kākāriki back with two lightning bolts on the whero side of his back and one lightning bolt on the kākāriki side of his back. On the middle of his back he has a kākāriki and orange spiral.
franks image alex's image
Peer Evaluation Name of Peer: Frank
What I think you did well: i think you did well with the colors
What I think you could improve on: I think you coe pot some parts in oleer.
Self Evaluation
What I think I did well: I think i did well at punctuation.
What I could improve on: Adding more info.
Kia ora Alex. Well done for writing to describe your taniwha. I really like how you clearly described each part of his body and what colours he is. Next time you could describe a bit more about his personality. Is he friendly or mean? I like your idea that you head to different dimensions. This sounds exciting! Ka pai to mahi tuhi.